Our goal is to help you connect with others who are like-minded in living out the gospel so that you will be encouraged, challenged and motivated to grow in Christian maturity through authentic, Christ-centered relationships.

God made us for relationships with Him and each other. It’s through relationships that we find connection, friendship, meaning and growth. Joining a group is one of the best ways to experience these things. We offer a variety of groups here at Watersprings. We have youth, college, men’s, ladies, senior and many more that you can get involved in.

There’s something for everyone at Watersprings Church, from dynamic kid’s and youth services, to inspiring worship, to opportunities to make a difference in Idaho Falls and around the world. Watersprings is for all people. We offer a variety of different ministires to get involved in.

Make an impact and get involved in making a difference, changing individual lives and entire communities and finding a sense of purpose. There are many ways in which you can help here at Watersprings. We are always looking for help with greeters, at our welcome center, video services, and so much more!